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 Bachelor Degrees

120 credit hours (Most courses are 3cr.)  *course list may vary each semester

Bachelor in Religious Education

B.R.E.  Basic Requirements:

Bible                                                12 hours
English                                              6 hours
Business Math                                 3 hours
Practical Principles & Finances 3 hours
Computer Literacy                          3 hours
Speech                                               3 hours
History/Church                               3 hours
Apologetics/Ethics                          3 hours
Behavorial/Social Science             3 hours
APO     Apologetics
BIB       Bible
EDU      Education
ECM     Evangelism/ Missions
PAS       Pastoral
SOC      Behavorial/Social Science
PTH     Practical  Theology

Course Descriptions - Partial List

Practical Principles SOC2100 A study of Biblical Mandates & Personal Convictions, recognizing Traditions,  understanding Standards and other principles from the Word and being effective Witnesses to various Cultures.  Also includes Biblical Financial Principles.

Christian Ethics APO2200
Introduction To Theology
Leadership Inside PAS2100 Text: Developing The Leader Within You; John Maxwell
Bible Study Methods PTH1100
Missiology ECM2100
Soul Winning ECM3001 Text: Soulwinning- The vision, burden, plan & practical implementation of soulwinning.        Material: New Life In Jesus DVDs- A biblical and practical study of what happens in heaven and inside of an individual when they are born again and what to expect in the future, as a Christian. Also good material to equip you for nurturing young converts.
The Holy Spirit PTH2100 An introductory study of the Person and work of the Holy Spirit, including a brief treatment of the gifts of the spirit, the endowment, and other closely related doctrinal issues.
Church History 101
Computer 101 Literacy

Leadership Outside PAS201: Text: Developing The Leaders Around You: John Maxwell
Christian Teaching Principles: Text: To Those Who Teach In Christian Schools: Roy Lowrie

English EDU 2100 Grammar

English EDU2200 Writing

Speech PAS 2100

Biblical Financial Principles

Business Math EDU2300

Introduction to the New Testament BIB2100 A general survey of the books of the New Testament from Matthew to Revelation.
Introduction to the Old Testament BIB2200 A general survey of the books of the Old Testament from Genesis to Malachi.
Christian Counseling
Exploring Christian Education I
Harmony of the Gospels
Gospel of John
Life of Christ A general survey of the life and ministry of our Lord, covering his life, ministry, death and resurrection.
Pastoral Thinking
Building Relationships
The Christian School EDU2400: An examination of the importance of establishing concrete goals for teaching students. A study in educating studetns ni a Christian school so that they will develop into academically qualified and Christian individuals. Includes curriculum selection, evaluation processes, teaching techniques, how students learn, why they don't learn, and more.
Morality In Education EDU2500: Deals with the important area of instilling moral values in studetns during the educational process and examines how education and Christian morality should not be separated.
Leadership 101
Leadership 102
New Testament Survey BIB1100

  under construction        Partial list of courses

130 credit hours (Most courses are 3cr.)  *course list may vary each semester

Bachelor in Theology

B.T.  Basic Requirements:

Bachelor in Theology


Bible  12 cr. hrs.
English  6 cr. hrs.
Ethics Ministry Character
Behavioral/Social Science Church Life

SBI credits are fully accepted by EBS